Tag Archives: hard life directed by prince

Ten by Madhouse is one of my favorite songs ever for many reasons.

16 Aug

Anybody who knows the music of my turn of the century band Moisturizer can listen to this song and see how I would love Madhouse. This song is so much fun to play on bari sax and has been part of my repertoire in SECRETARY feat. BigBoss. But apart from how perfect to my way of thinking this song is, including an awesome greasy bari solo in the middle, the cinematic video takes it to the next level and makes it extra fun to practice over & over again. The hooded saxman is of course Eric Leeds*, the voice of Prince’s instrumentals band Madhouse which produced two albums, 8 and 16, in 1987. That’s Sheila E on drums and Prince on guitar – not sure who’s playing keys and the spotted bass guitar. (Maybe Dr. Fink and Levi Seacer, Jr.). I wanted to know who directed the video and couldn’t find the info on the www but I did discover this similar looking video which was MISDIRECTED by Prince.

* guess who I’m going as on Halloween ….

and if you got this far I would think you would want to watch The Escape — Madhouse 13!